Mineral Scale Formation Modeling

Computer Aided Chemistry Modeling
Mineral scale formation is a major problem in industrial aqueous systems, causing reductions in output and equipment damage.

Modeling software by French Creek gives treatment personnel a quick, reliable method for predicting when scale will form, what species will precipitate and give helpful insight on prevention and treatment. Each program is application specific, finely tuned for each specialty field; these include oilfield & geothermal, cooling water, reverse osmosis, municipal and water reuse.

Input Water Chemistry

Entering a water analysis is quick and simple. Select whatever analytical units you prefer (or whatever your lab or client prefers) and get modeling within minutes.

Analytical units are available for almost any reporting method in use. Users have a wide selection of analytical unit options:

- As the Ion
- As CaCO3
- French or German Degrees of Hardness
- EPM (equivalents per million)
- moles/L

Alkalinity units can be specified as “M” and “P” alkalinity (as CaCO3), corrected or uncorrected HCO3 and CO3 in mg/l as the ion, or as milliliters of N/30 sulfuric acid. “M” and “P” alkalinity input are the default.

Incomplete Analysis

Users can select the ions to use to balance incomplete water analyses:
  Cations - Sodium or Potassium
  Anions - Chloride, Sulfate or Nitrate

Carbonate Equilibrium

The software deals with the carbonate equilibrium in two basic ways as it cycles a water:

Conservation of Alkalinity or Conservation of Total Molar Carbon.

Carbonate based Alkalinity is conserved in systems open to the atmosphere due to the free exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) with the atmosphere. Molar carbon is conserved in totally closed, air tight systems. For most systems, carbonate calculations should be based upon the conservation of alkalinity.

Select Parameters

Because each product line of French Creek modeling software is application specific, users are able to enter and model specifically their operating parameters or a range of parameters to model.

Depending on their application, a user can model scale potential versus a range of temperature, pH, pressure, COC, recovery or other concentration.

DownHole SAT™ modeling software models single streams, injection wells and mixtures of up to 12 brines.
Single-Brine Modeling, Injection Modeling

Cooling Water
WaterCycle® modeling software models utility once-through systems and recirculating cooling towers.
System Specifications, Modeling Parameters

Reverse Osmosis
hyd-RO-dose® modeling software models reverse osmosis systems, for recovery optimization.
System Parameters, Pretreatment

Saturation Levels
Calcium oxalate
Tricalcium phosphate
Ca polyphosphate
Magnesium silicate
Ferric hydroxide
Zinc hydroxide
Zinc carbonate
Zinc phosphate
Zinc polyphosphate


Langelier Saturation
Ryznar Stability
Puckorius Practical
Stiff Davis Index
CO2-H2S Corrosion

View Scale Potential

Traditional scale prediction methods are for one-point, often in worst case scenarios.  French Creek modeling software enables treatment personnel to perform mineral scale potential evaluations for 20+ scale forming species, over an entire operating range, in typical and stressed conditions.

The software uses an ion association model for calculations (see Online Library). The model and interface give treatment personnel a practical method for simultaneously predicting scale potential in a reproducible, transportable, and easily sharable medium.

indicates safe range

indicates mild problem if conditions change

warns to check measurements, nearing trouble

indicates a problem is likely, take corrective action

warns of a problem. Remedial action required.

Visual Chemistry™ SM

French Creek modeling software utilizes a Visual Chemistry™ approach, with a variety of in-depth tables, summaries and outstanding color-coded visual aids.

Users can select exactly the operating range or range of parameters to view, then evaluate the chemistry with thorough tables, one-page reports and 2D & 3D color coded graphs.